Relishing the Quiet Moments

My Husband Rocks!

I’m so grateful for my husband. If it weren’t for him, raising my little son would be so much more difficult.

I was really able to appreciate the partnership we have today. He was busy cleaning up our place after the holiday frenzy.

We were quite a team and Daddy was the MVP. I cooked breakfast and he fed our hangry son. I did the dishes; he took care of some laundry. I sat down to nurse our son, he vacuumed the living room. Then our lil’ dino decided he wanted to help Daddy vacuum. He waddled over to him, humming the pitch of the vacuum (hilarious!), and my husband picked him up and kept about the task.

Coffee or Bust

At this moment, I could have finished the dishes, or dusted, or cleaned bathrooms (all on today’s list), but I didn’t. Instead I longingly set my gaze on my still hot cup of coffee. Usually, I get my coffee going and sneak a couple sips in while I’m spooning oatmeal into my son’s mouth. Then he finishes eating and it’s not too much time before he’s ready for a nap. By the time I get him settled, and go back to my coffee, it’s cold. Sometimes I microwave it, or top it off, but there’s just something about the first, fresh cup that’s better than all the others.

With my husband rocking all the house chores (without even realizing the night before I had written out in a list everything he was doing and it was blessing my socks off!), I didn’t want to just sit down and drink my coffee. That was just too unproductive, (though he would have let me do it).

Then with angelic voices singing in my head, an idea struck me. I need a shower…badly. So I meandered on over towards our bedroom, grabbing my steaming coffee mug off the table as I passed.

Needless to say I thought I was brilliant! I even thought about lighting a candle, but decided not to push this too far up the expectation scale. I mean, what are the chances I’ll get to shower uninterrupted? Just the other day, I had to end my shower prematurely with one leg half shaved and the other…well, not.

This is the Life

I turned the water on HOT, and set my mug on the ledge, and just stood there and relished in the quiet moment I was blessed with.

Thank you, Lord, for this peaceful moment.

Guess what happened then? Nothing! I was able to enjoy my shower, and my coffee, AND get dressed (completely shocking, that one) without interruption. What a refreshing event. Now, I’m ready for anything! Including the massively poopy diaper 5 minutes later. But hey, that was going to happen with or without a shower…or coffee…or clothes… 😉

“You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.”
Psalm 68:8 NIV

What about you?

What has your spouse done to bless your socks off? What can you do to be a blessing in return?

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